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I read somewhere: "The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you somebedy else" (E.E.Cummings). This is just such a true statement for me. I tried to fit in, and felt out of place. With the passing years, having experienced lots of unpleasentness I have realized that it is impossible to be happy while trying to satisfy everybody and follow the conventions that don't really agree with me or do not fit in my life. Finding myself still...

Thursday 6 June 2013

'Gandhi' A photographic story of a life (by Amy Pastan)

It is a very well written biography and a quick interesting read. I know it is primarily written for younger people to introduce them to this important character of the relatively recent history, but I would very much recommend it to anyone who is interested in finding out about Gandhi's life and work but would not want to get into all the detail. Feel-good shiny quality paper and the content loaded with photographs and notes explaining key terminology or briefly introducing  other important characters in Gandhi's life make it feel like a treasure. I think this book would be a brilliant gift to a teenager. I fairly enjoyed reading it, and will strongly recommend it to my daughter in the near future.

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