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I read somewhere: "The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you somebedy else" (E.E.Cummings). This is just such a true statement for me. I tried to fit in, and felt out of place. With the passing years, having experienced lots of unpleasentness I have realized that it is impossible to be happy while trying to satisfy everybody and follow the conventions that don't really agree with me or do not fit in my life. Finding myself still...

Sunday, 10 February 2013

The Way (film 2010)

Last night, I watched 'The Way' for the first time. I was moved. I shed tears not once but a few times while watching it.
The film tells a story of Tom - an American eye doctor - who comes to France to collect the body of his almost forty-years old son who was killed in the Pyrenees while walking The Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James). Tom has the body cremated, and decides to continue his son's pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela (walking 800km of The Way of St. James). He carries his son's ashes with him and keeps on spreading them (bit by bit) in various places on the way. He meets other people on the way, and even though he did not want it at all at first, he forms a bond of friendship with 3 other pilgrims that happen somehow to walk with him. The story moves at a slow pace but it is nevertheless beautiful. Tom seems to have come to peace with his son (whom he did not understand before), learnt a lot about himself on the way, and made wonderful friends. He is shown to continue travelling - just what his son wanted to do - he went to Morocco.
Quote: "you don't choose a life Dad. You live one" (Daniel, the son, to Tom). I love this quote.

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