I am just starting to think about listing things' I want to do before I kick the bucket' by asking myself this question: What would I want to achieve, do, experience if I had no ties, unlimited amount of money and time and no fears or inhibitions? Well... Where to begin?
1. Visit Peru - Machu Picchu and follow the Inca trail.
2. Do a degree in Business, Literature, Languages.
3. Set up my own business.
4. Buy my own house (near the sea, with a field for the dogs to run, in a city or very near a city).
5. Live in a warm climate with a lot of sunshine.
6. Earn more than (private) per year.
7. Take my partner to Poland.
8. Practise Tai-Chi.
9. Go away on holidays with my partner (somewhere warm).
10. Stop eating sweets.
11. Free myself from migraines.
12. Learn German.
13. Read Pushkin and Bulhakov in original (russian).
14. Learn to dance Salsa.
15. Visit Rome and Vatican.
16. Travel around China.
17. Travel around Latin America (but Peru first).
18. Visit The Stage Hermitage museum in St Petersbourg.
19. Knit a cardigan.
20. Read the whole Bible.
21. Visit Museo Nacional del Prado and galleries in Madrid.
22. Learn to ski.
23. Spend Christmas in Poland.
24. To do splits.
25. Learn to do a headstand (so far everytime I tried it gave me a terrible attack of migraine).
26. Learn to do cartwheels.
27. Learn to draw and paint.
28. Visit Jerusalem.
29. Learn French.
..... more items to come.
Books I read, films I watch. If it wasn't for books, films and imagination I think I would go totally mad. A diary of my own little world of books, films, poems, thoughts and experiences.
About Me

- Kasia's land
- I read somewhere: "The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you somebedy else" (E.E.Cummings). This is just such a true statement for me. I tried to fit in, and felt out of place. With the passing years, having experienced lots of unpleasentness I have realized that it is impossible to be happy while trying to satisfy everybody and follow the conventions that don't really agree with me or do not fit in my life. Finding myself still...
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