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I read somewhere: "The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you somebedy else" (E.E.Cummings). This is just such a true statement for me. I tried to fit in, and felt out of place. With the passing years, having experienced lots of unpleasentness I have realized that it is impossible to be happy while trying to satisfy everybody and follow the conventions that don't really agree with me or do not fit in my life. Finding myself still...

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Che (2008 film) / Benicio del Toro

Just finished watching 'Che' - both parts: 'The Argentinian' and 'Guerilla' - with Benicio del Toro as Che. The first part of the film is based on Che's diaries about Cuban Revolution. It starts pretty much from the moment of landing in Cuba and finishes when the revolutionaries succesfully take over Cuba and Che is on his way to Havana. The second part is based on Che's diaries from Bolivia. Both parts concentrate on Che - guerilla, just that (with a post-revolution interview with Che and some of his speeches in the United Nations in part 1). Having read his biography I know there is just so much of his story missing in between the two parts - his international political involvement and his work in post-revolution Cuba, as well as his campaign in Congo, and much more. Nevertheless, the film is quite powerful. It feels like a documentary. Slow - it is not buiding up like all those action films. Yet, powerful. I felt like crying at the end.
Benicio del Toro is great in here, as he always is.

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